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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
作詞 Misaki Tanigawa 
作曲 Misaki Tanigawa/Sean/Nochi
The Sad story depressed me
I'm at a loss as to what to do
To make sure it won't happen again
I don't' know what to do

I don't ever have time to catch my breath
I think that I'm the No. 1 busiest in the whole world.
In practice, things are different.

No one can understand how I really feel
Sometimes, the narrator in my head says so
I've closed my mind myself

Everything looks a little far away to me.
That, this, and you
You make me want to cry sometimes I don't know why

Everybody cry
Everything looks a little far away to me.
Let's forget about the hate and I will sleep
I don't feel like doing anything

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