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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:60回 リリース日:2011年7月6日
作詞 金井政人 
I know, wearing your heart on your sleeve
You own a lot of boyfriends
they're just about throw outs
there is no stick_out
who said? the hip is like a hippo's hip
but weight is light as kitty
you know? weight of three apples

her name is lucy she's a well oiled witch
how many guilties? she's so spoiled bitch
but she has a magic charm and mislead our minds
her name is lucy she's a well oiled witch
how many guilties? she's so spoiled bitch
Don't ask me why? I'm in love with her

why does she enter my pure and clear heart?
with her shoes on. she never takes it off
and she blows me up with a couple of land mines
where did pieces go? where did pieces go?

her name is lucy she's a well oiled witch
how many guilties? she's so spoiled bitch
but she has a magic charm and mislead our minds
her name is lucy she's a well oiled witch
how many guilties? she's so spoiled bitch
Don't ask me why? I'm in love with her
I'm falling love with her

we began to walk on two legs
to hold you tight with my arms

fu fu hey Lucy
fu fu go tatas
fu fu hey Lucy
fu fu good baby

her name is XXXXXX XXXX lucy she's a well oiled witch
how many guilties? she's so spoiled bitch
but she has a magic charm and misread our minds
her name is lucy she's a well oiled witch
how many guilties? she's so spoiled bitch
Don't ask me why? I'm in love with her
I'm falling love with her

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