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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:57回 リリース日:2012年3月14日
Dive In Your Eyes
作詞 ナノ 
作曲 buzzG
Another dream will slip away
the vision inside my head 色褪せた
A sea of sorrow fades to gray 溺れていたいと思った

羅針盤が指したのは 瞳の奥 where my tears will rain in blue

Can you take me away from the misery in mind
I hear the voices 叫んでる a pain inside ただ思い出して
Can you take me away to the place where I can find
a never ending story
息止めて dive in your eyes

An empty canvas in the sky
the colors inside my heart 塗りつぶした
I stretch my wings and try to fly
a memory holds me back 落ちてく

空回る物語 たった一つの answer scars me deep

I search for the horizon, for dawn to end this night
I see the answers 描いてる the light inside ただ追いかけて
And when I'm finally standing where shadow meets the light
it's a brand new story
鮮やかに dive in your eyes

time will gently pass inside a dream 夜を数えてまた待ってる
quietly as I flip the hourglass 忘れてゆく温もり

Can you take me away from the misery in my mind
I feel a hope 響いてる a fear inside 切り裂いて
Can you take me away to the place where I can find
a never ending story
息止めて dive・・・

How far is the horizon, the dawn beyond this night
It's a brand new story, I keep on searching
a never ending story
take a breath and I'll dive in your eyes...

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