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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:27回 リリース日:2012年6月6日
How are you?
作詞 阿部真央 
作曲 阿部真央

腕伸ばして 足浮かして 声上げてみろよ

You are only lucky witness of the show
Nobody's gonna stop the emotion
Everybody, Go! Are you ready for the action? Action!
You are only lucky witness of the show
Nobody's gonna stop the explosion
Everybody, shout! Guaranteed Satisfaction!
How are you?

どこまでも 連れてくけど
それでいいの? まだ行けるでしょ?

イイ顔見して 笑って さあ、悔いのない人生を

You are only lucky witness of the show
Nobody's gonna stop the emotion
Everybody, Go! Are you ready for the action? Action!
You are only lucky witness of the show
Nobody's gonna stop the explosion
Everybody, shout! Guaranteed Satisfaction!
How are you?

またと無いこの日を この瞬間を
今刻んで 笑って さぁ、声上げてみろよ…

You are only lucky witness of the show
Nobody's gonna stop the emotion
Everybody, Go! Are you ready for the action? Action!
You are only lucky witness of the show
Nobody's gonna stop the explosion
Everybody, shout! Guaranteed Satisfaction!

How are you?

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