Don't stop, Don't stop the music いつでも私は私でいたい Don't stop, Don't stop the music あまのじゃくバンザイ! Don't stop, Don't stop the music 体中駆けめぐっちゃう リズムで Don't stop, Don't stop the music はみ出せ! party time
Don't stop, Don't stop the music バカポジティブな思考回路で Don't stop, Don't stop the music どうにもとまらない!! Don't stop, Don't stop the music いつでも勝手気ままなリズムで Don't stop, Don't stop the music できれば楽したい♪
Don't stop, Don't stop the music Dance Dance, I just wanna do it Don't stop, Don't stop the music Dance Dance, きっと you can do it!!!
Don't stop, Don't stop the music Dance Dance, I just wanna do it Don't stop, Don't stop the music Dance Dance, きっと you can do it!!!