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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:13回 リリース日:2013年2月6日
Time to Unite
作詞 Mari Iijima 
作曲 Mari Iijima
It's time to unite
Let's put our differences aside
The world needs love & peace
Don't let it ignite
The bridge in between us
'Cause this might be our greatest chance

We all came from one place
At the beginning of our lives
There was no hate or judgement
We are always connected as brothers and sisters

We often wonder
If there's a God or not
When disasters hit our living places
There is no answer
We keep on believing our purposes of existence

We can not suffer enough to find the key to happiness
So let's wipe our tears and stand up
And let's find things we can do to make our planet a better place

Let's put our hands together
We live in the now
Let's put our hands together
Let go of our pasts

We all came from one place
At the beginning of our lives
There was no hate or judgement
We are always connected as brothers and sisters

It's time to unite
Let's put our differences aside
The world needs love & peace

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