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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:20回 リリース日:2013年10月30日
Call Her
作詞 武井優心/補作詞:八木類 
作曲 武井優心
Czecho No Republic
I only want to watch her dance tonight
I only want to watch her dance tonight
Wake up, wake up, so
Wake up, wake up, so

I only want to listen to her
I only want to listen to her
Call her, call her, so
Call her, call her, so

One time, two times, three times
One time, two times
I feel down

One time, two times, three times
One time, two times

One time, two times, three times 不安な
One time, two times, three times 時間が
One time, two times, three times 回ってる
One time, two times, three times
Wake up!

One time, two times, three times 揺らして
One time, two times, three times 鳴らして
One time, two times, three times 繋いで
This may be the last time but forgive me

I only want to catch her right now
I only want to catch her right now
Wake up, wake up, so
Wake up, wake up, so

I only want to listen to her
そうお願い聞かせてyour voice
Call her, call her, so
Call her, call her, so

One time, two times, three times
One time

One time, two times, three times 不安な
One time, two times, three times 時間が
One time, two times, three times 回ってる
One time, two times, three times
Wake up!

One time, two times, three times 揺らして
One time, two times, three times 鳴らして
One time, two times, three times 繋いだら
One time, two times, oh

One time, two times ゴメンね
One time, two times 言えるね

One time, two times ゴメンね

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