STEVEN LEE/Andreas Stone Johansson/Fredrik Hult/Andreas Oberg
Alright ooh yeah ah ah ah Here we go
感じてみろよ tonight 押さえ込んだ衝動のevery day & night 出口はどこだ?(tell me. Where's the exit?) 閉塞感突き上げてBang! 爆発するmy mind 操り人形のままじゃ生きてる甲斐もないだろう? 糸を切って行けgood-bye 仕掛けられた罠を(罠を) 逆手に取るstoryを(storyを) 描くその時カタルシスを得られる Ready to go, now
Crazy crazy crazy Let's shout(the fire the fire) 何もかも Crazy crazy 脱ぎ捨てろ(everybody let's shout) Crazy crazy crazy Let's shout(the fire the fire) 解き放って 痛みを(oh yeah) 燃やし尽くせ I wanna kiss you I can't say No ah-ha What you gotta do Let's go Let's shout ah-ha We gotta go now I can't say No No・・・ I can't say No Let's go Let's shout
くやしいことが someday 勇気の糧になるときyou can 世界が変わる 焦燥感に駆られて why 道を誤るな 涙が声になりその心がカラになるまで 叫び続けようget down そしてまた新しい今日が始まる Ready to go, now
Crazy crazy crazy Let's shout(the fire the fire) 何もかも Crazy crazy 脱ぎ捨てろ(everybody let's shout) Crazy crazy crazy Let's shout(the fire the fire) 解き放って 痛みを(oh yeah) 燃やし尽くせ I wanna kiss you I can't say No ah-ha What you gotta do Let's go Let's shout ah-ha We gotta go now I can't say No No・・・ I can't say No Let's go Let's shout
Crazy crazy crazy Let's shout(the fire the fire) 何もかも Crazy crazy 脱ぎ捨てろ(everybody let's shout) Crazy crazy crazy Let's shout(the fire the fire) 解き放って 痛みを(oh yeah) 燃やし尽くせ I wanna kiss you I can't say No What you gotta do ah-ha Crazy crazy crazy Let's shout Crazy crazy crazy Let's shout Let's go Let's shout