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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:225回 リリース日:2014年6月25日
StarRingChild-English ver.-
作詞 cAnON. 
Thinkin about the moment while we'd strayed from the right path
We've might misplaced the seed of smile but we were not spontaneous
There's a lump in my throat
I ain't ready to recover it

Was too young to grasp
I thought it must be no business of mine
They ought to try rewriting our life like as she has been done
We've struggled to break loose from this metempsychosis
Got mature too much to hear our voice within

Star Ring Child
Give me your hands to see
What noble galaxy
That we've been fighting for
I'm by your side
I'll give you all of me
To track who we used to be
While the stars sync with my heart beat
The story will go on

I'm gonna lose my reasons while I'd sink in deep complacence
Without your hope, I can't reboot from myself in repentance
My body's hurt and shaking
Even now while we are in freedom

I receive the truth whenever I catch your footsteps and rhythm
We survive and stand on here at the huge sacrifice of their life
We've struggled to break loose from this metempsychosis
But we'd chosen then to play out such a roll

When the sun hides in the cosmic clouds
Under the dark night shrouds
The silence will wraple us
You're by my side
You share the fate with me
I could let my heart be free
Now, I'll wake from my delusion

Star Ring Child
Give me your hands to see
What noble galaxy
That we've been fighting for
I'm by your side
I'll give you all of me
To track who we used to be
While the stars sync with my heart beat
The story will go on

Soar beyond the noise
Well live in harmony
And strive against the destiny
We're charging up enough to make our brand new flow
Standing back now from all sorts of agony
There's no meaning to seek any reason
Everything starts off in a second
Right behind the worst
The daybreak was reserved
For the people who're confined
We're charging up enough to make our brand new flow
Standing back now from all sorts of agony
There's no meaning to seek any reason
Everything starts shining so bright to draw the new age

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SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Aimerさん『StarRingChild-English ver.-』の歌詞をブログ等にリンクしたい場合、下記のURLをお使いくださいませ。


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