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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
作詞 Akira Ishige 
作曲 Akira Ishige
the telephones
fly again
stay away
swim in the sea
and watch the sky

under the moon
shinin' sun
at the world's end

under the moon
shinin' sun
the sign of the world's approaching end

why don't you save me?
why don't you love me?
why don't you believe me?
so what?

why don't you save me?
why don't you love me?
why don't you believe me?

once again

why don't you save me?
why don't you love me?

seem never to end
glass is fragile
human too
the war to end wars

under the moon
shinin' sun
at the world's end

under the moon
shinin' sun
the sign of the world's approaching end

why don't you save me?
why don't you love me?
why don't you believe me?
so what?

why don't you save me?
why don't you love me?
why don't you believe me?

once again

why don't you save me?
why don't you love me?

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the telephonesさん『Jesus』の歌詞をブログ等にリンクしたい場合、下記のURLをお使いくださいませ。




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