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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
Simple Life
作詞 Charlotte Kate Fox 
作曲 Charlotte Kate Fox
In my dreams we have a tiny home
many children laugh and freely roam
Without their shoes
they forget what blue is
barefoot and happy to live

Apple pie and golden burning wood
no cant's or should's or wants or coulds or woulds
Yes dear
come closer near
kissing and tumblin through

It's a simple life with you
Let's take it easy for a while

Make your heart the shape of truest things
substitute your love for diamond rings
Without the chains of
heavy black brain clouds
the bed is our playground and home

It's a simple life with you
Let's take it easy for a while
Let's take it easy

You read the paper and I read your eye
We quibble and bicker bout scandals and lies
I bring you coffee, you tell a joke
We've got no money, they all say we're broke, we're broke

It's a simple life with you
Let's take it easy

Then I wake and see your pillowcase
where once I saw your glad and sleeping face
You have gone and
it's not too long
I catch my breath, I'm undone.

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