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作詞 Charlotte Kate Fox 
作曲 Charlotte Kate Fox
I want the ocean to swallow me whole
My heart, it won't feel so heavy
Buoy and bounce and dissolve like charred wood
I'll scatter like weightless confetti

Scatter myself cross countries and cities
Buoyant ashes that resemble the snow,
Stick to those things that make me feel pretty
Like you did a long time ago

'Cuz not even this flying machine
can pick me up off of the ground.
You can't hear a foolish heart break-
especially when no one's around.

Star dust in physics I'll explode into darkness,
Swirling like effortless night
Until I rebuild from atomic sweetness
Setting sail, a celestial kite.

'Cuz not even this flying machine
can pick me up off of the ground
You can't hear a foolish heart break
especially when no one's around

Foolish heart, Foolish heart
Foolish heart, You did it again, Foolish Heart

All of my colors will go like water
Like the Sistine Chapel going down
But there's peace in the ruin and relics and rubble
There's more of me to be found

'Cuz not even this flying machine
can pick me up off of the ground
You can't hear a foolish heart break
especially when no one's around

Foolish heart, Foolish heart
Foolish heart, You did it again, Foolish Heart

I want to run like wild unruly waters
break through the damn and the levy
Until I am nothing but memory and whispers
floating up like weightless confetti

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