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アクセス回数:7回 リリース日:2015年10月21日
Symphony Amber
作詞 Nicholas Edwards/Keisuke Hiroki 
作曲 Jun Sato
I saw a paradise, our heaven in your eyes
So I prayed that you could see the same
Find a miracle beyond the rain
Write your name upon my beating heart

True love is evergreen, beauty I had never seen
And I knew that this would be the end
Finally I found myself again, somewhere far from
where I had been, and I knew it there and then

I can be your remedy, and chase away the pain tonight
Burning in the world we left to find the light
Then we will set each other free, and we will take the lead
Find a place where we can both be

You will be my remedy, and chase away my pain tonight
Burning in the world we left to find the light
Then we will set each other free, and we will take the lead
Find a place where we can both be

True love is evergreen, beauty you had never seen
And we knew that this would be an end
Finally we found ourselves again,
somewhere far away from where we'd been

Lost in a paradise, seeing heaven with our eyes
And I cried as you could see the same
Found a miracle beyond the rain
Write our names upon each other's hearts
Now together, alas is forever

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