don't you know that some things are stronger than fear? 痛みが進む足を止めるのか all the regrets are crawling inside till you fall 届かない祈りはもう諦めたの?
囚われた事にも気づかないまま 終わりを迎えていいのか牙失うな
ready, to fly, to survive ハートうならせ no need, to turn away, you only need to BITE BACK!
you said that you don't believe anything in life 本当に求めるのは赦しなの? there won't be a little bit of prayer left inside それでも見つめるのは広い世界
檻の中争いを知らなくても 野生を呼び覚ます叫び声が聴こえてる
ready, to fight, to survive 血を滾らせて no need, to turn away, you only need to BITE BACK!
檻の中争いを知らなくても 野生を呼び覚ます叫び声が聴こえてる
ready, to fly, to survive ハートうならせ no need, to turn away, you only need to BITE BACK! ready, to fight, to survive 血を滾らせて no need, to turn away, you only need to BITE BACK!