うたまっぷトップ 歌詞検索
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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
Troubles seemed like the end of the world
But when you came to me
They turned into skipping stones upon a lake
I realised the happiness in me you make

Bright morning skies and the birds sing
You are by my side humming along
In the light of your eyes I am relieved
Like a baby in mama's arms oh~

Beautiful Beautiful days
Beautiful Beautiful laughter
Beautiful Beautiful love
So beautiful
So beautiful

Hand in hand a walk in the park
Nothing but green and fresh air
I would have never noticed the peace nature brings
If I hadn't walked into your wings oh~

Beautiful Beautiful trees
Beautiful Beautiful butterfly
Beautiful Beautiful clouds
So beautiful
So beautiful

If it's not asking too much of you
May we spend our whole lives together
It'll be like flying above sunflower fields
Feeling blue skies running by...

Even a simple melody
With your boundless joy yeah..
I'd have mistaken it with a string quartet
Your graceful melody keeps on flowing through me

Beautiful Beautiful stream
Beautiful Beautiful harmony
Beautiful Beautiful colours
So beautiful
So beautiful

Beautiful Beautiful love
Beautiful Beautiful love
Beautiful Beautiful love
Beautiful Beautiful

©2001~ Interrise Inc. All Rights Reserved
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