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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:6回 リリース日:2016年6月22日
Line (English Ver.)
作曲 SAY/S-kit(from GROUND-LINE)
if God was looking down at us from above
he will be shedding tears with grief

filled with hatred
a world ruled by blood and fear
oh please don't tolerate any of this

It's just a one single Line
but it's a one big powerful Line
that can split this world into pieces

oh tell me who made this Line
that separates the life of yours and mine
as I smile someone begs to live another day

when do we start to realize
no matter how many missiles we fly
the future we wish just slips out from our own hands, suddenly

when can we start to make some change
end this endless blood shedding race
we are all born by miracle, why…
all we made of love
all we made of love

bang went a gun the sound echoes through out town
and his voice was drown out

can someone tell me
where can all the children find
their happiness in this world

it's just a one single Line
Line that splits our time
I want to spend my life with you forever

oh tell me who made this Line
that separates the life of yours and mine
the body is in my hand but you're gone far away

when do we start to realize
no matter how hard we pray to the sky
we cannot turn back the hands of the time
it just goes on and on

it doesn't matter if you are rich noble king
or a little child who cries for food
we are all born by miracle, why…
all we made of love
all we made of love

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