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Just Remember
作詞 Leondre Devries/Charlie Lenehan 
作曲 Leondre Devries/Charlie Lenehan
You were my rock,and now you ain't there
Had so much time and memories to share
Now you're gone and I don't know what to do
My heart's messed up in a daze and it's crazy to think
you were here not that long ago
Now you're gone and you ain't around no more
I'm putting on a front just to keep you close
Not letting the world in
so they can't take away your memory
and how we used to be so close together
Now there's miles between us and
there's a change in weather
Replacing your sunshine and what you did for me
When the world made me blind,you helped me see
Even though it's hard you keep battling on
So many people torn apart but you gotta be strong
The whisper that I cry out carried round globe
No matter where you may be,your heart is my home

People come and go
But memories never fade
They've gone away for a while and we'll never know why
What hurts the most is seeing you break down and cry
Just remember they're still close to you

I know it's hard to stay and be strong
But my heart is aching I can't take this any longer
It's so hard without you making me smile
Your words of strength that always conjure
The best of me cause that was who you are
I named it after you,the brightest star
'cause without you in my life there would be no hope
Like noah and his ark,god gave him the boat
So if you hear this wherever you are
you're in my mind you're my shining star
It's sad knowing you were here,now you ain't
I would kill for one last time to see your face
But there's nothing left for me now,I've given up
Life's hold on me,and it's treating me tough
You don't know how much you love someone
'til there gone
It's hard on me,but I gotta move on

People come and go
But memories never fade
They've gone away for a while
and we'll never know why
What hurts the most is seeing you break down and cry
Just remember they're still close to you

Reminiscing on the days we shared
Now you're gone and we wasn't prepared
Have to live everyday as the last
Preaching that from a fatherless past

Never knowing what you've got 'til it's gone
But life continues and that beat claps on
Gotta stay strong and look up to the sky
Put your hands together and believe in that guy

People come and go
But memories never fade
They've gone away for a while and we'll never know why
What hurts the most is seeing you break down and cry
Just remember they're still close to you

This my prayer

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