Always together Tick down together One step further Time lost cannot be recalled. Alright brother Coach each other One step further Of course, I know it's one-way-circle
You got to change You'd better know Sometimes it's necessary. 変わる事恐れたら 迷宮の"円ドレスループ" When you go around that point, grab the chance, grab the time. 同じ様で新しい明日を巡る時 時代を掴め 円の周率 限りのない答えの上 Let's go
Go Go Go Round Let's go Go Go Go Round Let's go Go Go Go Round Let's go Yes, moving on and on Go Go Go Round Let's go Go Go Go Round Let's go Go Go Go Round Let's go Yes, looping on and on
Go Go Go Round Go Go Go Round
Take a mistake 結果何テイク? ずっと続けていく on and on 何度でも 合わせる力 この際1から この聖地から 照らせ桃源郷 何度でも
You got to change You'd better know Sometimes it's necessary. 時は巡り明日が来る 極める真の円を解くカルマ When you go around that point, grab the chance, grab the time. 大きな弧 描くように Like a ブーメラン 脱ぎ捨てた感情も その努力も代償も また必ずここに帰ってくる Let's go
Go Go Go Round Let's go Go Go Go Round Let's go Go Go Go Round Let's go Yes, moving on and on Go Go Go Round Let's go Go Go Go Round Let's go Go Go Go Round Let's go Yes, looping on and on
Go Go Go Round 点と点が連鎖する その縁が繋ぐ"円ブレム" Go Go Go Round 不規則な数列が作るルーティーンに"円ター"
Time after time そう何度でも 回り続け描いてく never never never stop ◯ One day some point 二重になって 導かれる世界は never never never know ∞ 3.14は 正解を描く 果てのない旅 回り続ける未来へ
Yes, Yes, Yes, Let's go
Go Go Go Round Let's go Go Go Go Round Let's go Go Go Go Round Let's go Yes, moving on and on Go Go Go Round Let's go Go Go Go Round Let's go Go Go Go Round Let's go Yes, looping on and on