The Sun rises above the horizon and The gears are starting to go around today Making a lot of noises, Loading a lot of things It runs slowly
The wave sweeping out yesterday's irritation and tears The new hope that birds sing about Rays peeping through the clouds Shine on streets The scent of life rising from the chimney A familiar road Days going on
The stars are falling,the flowers are fading Today,somewhere a fire goes out Someone hopes and someone prays Now that I'm looking up to sky Newborn's small hands Hold the light As tight as he can to make sure it is in there
In a small planet at end of the galaxy Today,somewhere a fire is blazing up For someone who can't live his life, Someone sings a song today The sun sinks below the horizon And the sun rises again It repeats them
You have a good night Have a nice dream Your wish will come true
The stars are falling,the flowers are fading Today,somewhere a fire goes out Someone hopes and someone prays Now that I'm looking up to the sky Newborn's small hands Hold the light As tight as he can to make sure it is in there
Somewhere,a life is born today Somewhere,stars fall In the corner of end of galaxy We are waiting for,beliveing in something The sun rises The day different from yesterday starts