荒れるぜハイテンション 第六感どころじゃねえ 十三個くらいは使って感じてくれ Let's get fired up tonight you need more than 6th sense At least use thirteen to feel it
今すぐ 目を覚まして 焦がせ 昨日より踊る心臓を 投げろ 豪速球の一石を投じろ [Wake up!] Right now! and burn it [stand up] Your heart is dancing [dance now] more than yesterday throw that stone with full speed
簡単じゃないさ 人との絆を築いていくこと 確かなスキルを磨き上げること 本気でうちこみ続けること It isn't easy To link bonds with people To polish definite skills To keep putting yourself into something For the things you want
誰もが簡単に手に入れられないからこそ 価値があるんだ [It is something that people can not achieve easily yeah that is why it's valuable it's important]
To achieve something important is like building something little by little The strength to not lose against yourself (yourself) and the passion to not lose against others is needed
It's something that people can't achieve easily, that is why (that is why) it's worth it
一朝一夕じゃ手に入らねえ 心揺さぶる確かなスキル 一朝一夕じゃ手に入らねえ 背中を預け合えるような仲間 一朝一夕じゃ手に入らねえ 目的へ向かう不屈の精神 手に入れる努力を惜しむんじゃねえ It ain't something you can get in a day or two so skills (that) shakes people's hearts It ain't something you can get in just a day or two so (The) trustable people that are always with you The strong will of running towards your target Do all you can do ah
おれたちの仕組みは 心と体のハイブリッドカー 楽して何かを勝ち取ろうなんて 思ってるヤツはおい抜かれて当然さ そんなあいつのこの先のコースは断崖絶壁 って思うがどうだい兄貴 [hybrid car] Like a hybrid car of heart and body, this is how we function It's no doubt for people who try to take the easy way out to be left behind The course that awaits him is a sheer cliff thats what I think, how about you?
don't wanna end up like him
おれたちはここにいる。立ち上がり進め。 不格好でもいい おれたちはここにいる。立ち上がり進め。 苦労の先に得るものがあるなら [we are] here! stand up and let's go ahed doesn't have to be cool, It can look bad [we are] here! stand up and let's go ahed Cuz there is something to gain after the pains
にじんだ汗 悩んだ時間 大切なものはその過程でもあるんだ 決して無駄にはならないから The sweat you can feel The troubled times you spent will mean something to you oh (The) important thing will be seen before what you crave for
大切なもの 手に入れるのは簡単じゃないけど 君の努力がきっと運んできてくれる かけがえのないもの 君の人生の財産になるものを 一つでも多く手に入れるんだ The important things Aren't easy to gain but your efforts but your efforts will bring them to you (The) irreplaceable things gain as much as you can what will be assets of your life
The troubled times will have it's meaning (it's meaning) What's important comes before what you crave
Achieve as much as you can (as you can) what will be the assets of your life