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アクセス回数:19回 リリース日:2017年5月31日
Beautiful Disaster
作詞 ナノ 
作曲 Powerless
What do you feel when another siren screams
Fear attacks like a heart grenade
Ignited in the deepest hour

A child cries,kidnapped from their innocent dreams
Prayers drowned by the fusillade
Trembling in the dark

Tell me,is it worth the sacrifice
Tell me,is it worth your life

We fight in the dead of night
In the dead of night,
While the world is blinded until the early light

We cry in the heat of night
In the heat of night,
Tell me what remains of us in the morning after
A beautiful disaster

Tell me

What do you feel when they try to show you
Destruction is your destiny
No choice but to take the pledge

In their eyes,a determined sense of virtue
But you know it's far from reality
Standing on the edge

Tell me,is it worth the agony
Tell me,is it worth your life

We fight in the dead of night
In the dead of night,
While the world is blinded until the early light

We cry in the heat of night
In the heat of night,
Tell me what remains of us in the morning after

We take a life,when we could save one another
We pay a price,for the power bestowed upon our hands
But in the end,we believe in a single purpose
We all believe in the light ahead,in the life beyond this fight

In the dead of night
In the dead of night,
I will pray beside you,until the early light

We live in the dead of night
In the dead of night,
Tell me what remains of us in the morning after

We take a life,when we could save one another
We pay a prince,for the power bestowed upon our hands
But in the end,we believe in a single purpose
We all believe in the light ahead,in the beautiful disaster

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