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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:42回 リリース日:2017年7月26日
Drive My Fate
作詞 MARU 
作曲 高橋諒
Void_Chords feat.MARU
If I was just a girl
Powdering my nose and cheek
I will look extra chic
If I was just a girl
Could I live my love story?

But I ride on the red double bus to my destiny
to pay my due

Sadly there's no love story
Just a lonely life
Oh woe is me?
Now I fear that this bus is going in a different way

Why can't I get off and make my own way???

Sunday morning and it's all ok
The sunshine makes all my day so bright and clear
Sunday morning it's girl's time
And I'm a driver of my destiny,alright

I'm surrounded by the things that bring me happiness

If this moment was just a dream
Could I say "no" to what they want me to do?
I hope this is just a dream
So I wake up and drive my fate

As the sun greets me
I know a new day is here

Sunday morning and it's all ok
The sunshine makes all my day so bright and clear
Sunday morning it's girl's time
And I'm a driver of my destiny,alright

Sunday morning and it's all ok
The sunshine makes all my day so bright and clear
Sunday morning it's girl's time
And I'm a driver of my destiny,alright

I'm surrounded by the sound that give me gladness

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