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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
作詞 吉幾三/英訳:Albert Ajimura 
作曲 吉幾三
I still love you so Yes i do and it's true and it's true
Time will fade my memories away
and another year's passing by

Wanna see you baby I miss you so bad
I've been crying all night through
Will you stay with me
A little longer
I need someone to talk to

Looking for my baby Looking for my baby
Looking for my baby yukiguni

Can't you feel The snowstorm out through the window pane
You need someone to love and care about you
love brings you down sometimes

I can't help drinking When love breaks my heart
And my lips are trembling with pain
Will you stay with me
A little longer
I need someone to talk to

Looking for my baby Looking for my baby
Looking for my baby yukiguni

Have you found Someone new to love
baby oh baby
I'm sorry maybe I was blind
I know you were always true to me

Hold me once again I'm looking
through the window in the mid-night train
Look into the window
I see my tears
keep on running down my cheeks

Looking for my baby Looking for my baby
Looking for my baby

Hold me once again I miss you so bad
Can't you see that I'm so lonely
Will you stay with me
A little longer

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