POP! POP! POP! POP! Pop it like! 弾けてとまらない POP! POP! POP! POP! Drop it like! ARE YOU READY!?
飛び立って 飛び出して Come on 皆 弾けよう Pop a POPCORN! Pop a POPCORN! みたい Jumpin' up & up You! You and me は One family yeah! Come on now! Come on now! 一緒に! 1, 2, 3, 4!
POP! POP! POP! POP! Pop it like! 弾けていいんじゃない? POP! POP! POP! POP! Drop it like! ARE YOU READY!?
飛び立って 飛び出して Come on 皆 弾けよう Pop a POPCORN! Pop a POPCORN! みたい Jumpin' up & up You! You and me は One family yeah! Come on now! Come on now! 一緒に! 1, 2, 3, 4!
One family! HERE WE GO! One we can be! LEGGO! Come and see 広がるパラダイス 見渡すかぎり It's the sea of love 側にいて 一緒に描こう Come on! Come on! Dream on! ARE YOU READY!?
飛び立って 飛び出して Come on 皆 弾けよう Pop a POPCORN! Pop a POPCORN! みたい Jumpin' up & up You! You and me は One family yeah! Come on now! Come on now! 一緒に! 1, 2, 3, 4!
飛び立って 飛び出して Come on 皆 弾けよう Pop a POPCORN! Pop a POPCORN! みたい Jumpin' up & up You! You and me は One family yeah! Come on now! Come on now! 一緒に!