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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:44回 リリース日:2017年10月11日
作詞 Masato Hayakawa 
作曲 Ryo Yokochi
what if I painted skies
would I paint them black and white
because my head clouds my eyes again
I can't see what's wrong or right
nothing changes day and night
when will I see the light again

I feel so colorblind
I feel so colorblind
when I can't be here dreaming in grey
I feel so colorblind
I feel so colorblind
now I'm so distant from who I want to be
I've been crying and crying somebody help
If I'm trying trying to be someone else
save me from myself

what if I run and hide
let the whole world pass me by
would I say that I lived when I die
I could simply live a lie and say I tired
but it just won't be the same

I feel so colorblind
I feel so colorblind
now I'm so distant from who I want to be
I've been crying and crying somebody help
If I'm trying trying to be someone else
save me from myself

in the dark I feel so numb
so take me back to where I started from
If I could have one wish
would you pull me out of here
show me a sign show me the light
show me how to live again

I feel so colorblind
and I've been trying and trying but nothing helps
now I'm so distant from who I want to be
I've been crying and crying somebody help
If I'm trying trying to be someone else
save me from myself

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