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アクセス回数:31回 リリース日:2017年10月25日
Before I Fail
作詞 Fear,and Loathing in Las Vegas 
作曲 Fear,and Loathing in Las Vegas
Fear,and Loathing in Las Vegas
What's going on?
How is your face after being crushed down by regret
You were living everyday without knowing oh
How does it feel How does it feel
How does it feel when you believed you were the center of the world

Before I fail
Before I fail
Before I fail
Before I fail

I asked to myself [myself]
Look back to what you have done and think [look back]
Are you gonna stay as a person who lost heart [you stay]
[who lost heart for others?]

So many hearts in this world that could give you hope
So many thoughts
So many feels
You can see it and you know it
But you don't notice it and feel it
That is why you are about to end up being alone here

What's going on?
How is your face after being crushed down by regret
How does it feel when you've ignored everyone's thought

Yeah alright Nobody is here Not a single person
I've lost it all myself

I did lie I did lie but
Never knew it was this tough and lonely

Hey it's show time Here we go now
Music In the woods Music echoes
Deers, bears, and birds getting together giving each other respect
Hey it's show time Here we go now
Now partying with the ones that they can open up their hearts with
Are you ready to dance?

Make some noise!
Show me what you got right here
Pump it up
Bring it on with the one you can trust from your heart
Leave it up to our music
Watch the light of sunrise with everyone
Make some noise!
Show me what you got right here

Ah Awesome music can be heard from the woods once
Yeah all people with different figures and thoughts get together and unite,
might as well wanna listen to a crazy track

So many hearts getting together to make one

We must never forget that we are all being able to live [being able to live]
There are so many hearts in [many hearts in]
this world [this world]
that are important
This place is filled [filled]
with thought

Thoughts that brought friends
Thoughts that brought bonds
Thoughts that brought trust together
When you do not notice this, you will for sure end up alone here
You will end up alone someday; left behind

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