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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:36回 リリース日:2017年10月25日
Burden Of Time
作詞 miho 
作曲 miho/Mao
Sleepless nights, with every passing day
I'm dreaming life away
Faceless moon, tell me, what would you say
If you could curse your fate
The daylight will die

Silent noise is ringing in my head
Killing me through the night
Scars might fade, but the pain will remain
Save me before the dawn
As days go by

I'm standing here
Still fighting it
One day I must change

(Don't waste your time)
Time is fair to everyone
(Don't waste your life)
Time and tide wait for no one
Don't ever be afraid to die young and live fast

(Don't waste your time)
Time is slipping away from us
(Don't waste your life)
Time keeps changing, and so do we
Live as if today was the last day

Starless nights, with every passing day
I'm swinging life away
An empty glass is falling down again
What's happening in my life?

The blood stains remain
Flames will ignite

Searching for the light

In this time
In due time

I'm standing here
Still fighting it
One day I must change

(Don't waste your time)
Time is fair to everyone
(Don't waste your life)
Time and tide wait for no one
Don't ever be afraid to die young and live fast

(Don't waste your time)
Time will never be the same
(Don't waste your life)
Time is running out too soon
Racing against the clock
But we can't escape from tomorrow

(Don't waste your time)
Time is slipping away from us
(Don't waste your life)
Time keeps changing, and so do we
Live as if today was the last day

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