Ladies and Gentlemen The time has come We gon' party over here Everybody clap ya hands We be coming through Get out of my way It's invitation to the new ground Y'all better watch us Hey, Don't look away Let's get the show started now
Hair is done 粋にキメたDress code 誘うRed carpet手を取りEscort 欲望だらけのParty people暴走で最高潮 Voltage上昇徐々にLose control
一目で虜さ中毒まさにBlack hole 見惚れてCan't sneak注目掻(か)っ攫(さら)うDarkhorse 轟かすMy name 俺が台風の目 響くBass ShyなBae Saveなんて不要さぁFeel the beats
人が犇(ひし)めくDance floor それぞれが自由に歌い叫び 燦然(さんぜん)と煌(きら)めく宙のMirror ball 踊る心照らし続けて 今宵はSpecial day Rhythmにのって ParadiseにRuleはTABOO 心の赴くままDancing now Ready? Volumeを上げろMake some noise
Until the time ends Until the sun rises Hey wussup? Don't stop the party Let me hear you say YEAH! (YEAH!) say OH! (OH!) Let's hang out もっとTurn it up イカしたGirl Shall we dance? Way to go
Beatで揺れるHip Sceneに合わせるMusic Heat up 一緒にKeep on Moving Stepping Jumping Dancing 憧れのVIP seat Glass掲げPeace & Cheers We gon' party like this Follow me
燃え上がってFire 灼熱の熱帯夜 汗だくDead tired でももっとアガって Higher まだ物足りないでしょ?今すぐCall me Come on, Let's move it & Put ya hands up in the air
魅力溢れるDiamond 輝きに心奪われ溺れ まるで無法地帯 Crazy Ceremony Limiter外れ止まれなくて 肌を伝うSweat 髪掻き上げ 暴れ疲れてDIZZY 適当でOkay 更にTo the top Ready? ただ求めるままRunning wild
Still more swingin' swingin' Don't stop Get it Get it Break down, Regret is deferment Now scream (Bounce Bounce) Fangirls voice ExtraでGOATなSuperstar Got a swag Got your back OMG!!! Girls are delighted Waves of the light Tonight we excited Fly so high Touch the sky Never felt like that Check this out It's lit Let's go
Until the time ends Until the sun rises Let me sing it now Oh One more time Oh Let's dance Oh