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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:50回 リリース日:2018年2月7日
Stormy Glory
Hey, clap your hands
Raise your hands up

It's a big commotion like a scene from a war
What do you wanna say?
Go right ahead. You can say anything
In this beat and sound

怒号も憎悪も喝采も Give it to me and hear me sing
音の中で昇華してく I'll beat your heart

Hey, clap your hands. I will take you all through the night
心の咆哮 聴かせて
Hey, clap your hands. I will take you all through the night
その全て 曝け出して

If you cannot say what you're feeling inside
Aren't you holding back?
Don't be afraid. You can say anything
Just set yourself free

醜いだけの本音でも Give it to me and hear me sing
純粋すぎる答えでも I'll be your voice

Raise your hands up. I will rock you with my soul
想像より遠く 響かせ
Raise your hands up. I will rock you with my soul

Can you believe in what I'm talking about?
Can you believe in what I believe in now?
Can you believe in what I'm talking about?
I'll make you believe!

怒号も憎悪も喝采も Give it to me and hear me sing
音の中で昇華してく I'll beat your heart

Hey, clap your hands. I will take you all through the night
心の咆哮 聴かせて
Hey, clap your hands. I will take you all through the night
その全て 曝け出して

Hey, clap your hands
Raise your hands up……

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MYTH&ROIDさん『Stormy Glory』の歌詞をブログ等にリンクしたい場合、下記のURLをお使いくださいませ。




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