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アクセス回数:48回 リリース日:2018年4月25日
Boys in Kaleidosphere
作詞 momocashew 
作曲 momocashew/Yamato Kasai
Hydrangeas are calling my name
Bring me to a garden I've never seen
There I heard your sirens sing
Filled me with a feeling I've never known
Staring into my head
Your eyes are like kaleidoscope

After everyone leaves
You take the seat next to me quietly
This pounding in my heart feels like

Let's escape to somewhere we can be
ourselves again
Where happily ever after is not only for
queens and kings

Come here, we must leave
You hurried and took my hand
Jabberwocks opened up their mouth
Muttering words I don't understand
They bit and slashed you open
Cut off your legs your arms your head
This confusing sight feels like kaleidoscope

I held your head and ran for the edge
The edge of the world, down I go

If I was born in a different body will our lives
be easy
If we get a next life I hope we're not human
at all

Hydrangeas are calling my name
Bring me to a garden I've never seen
There I saw your veiny wings
Filled me with a feeling so familiar
Cover me with your scales
Our love is like kaleidoscope

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