feel it like a fantasy 今 音と言葉が混ざり合う hey DJ give me a beatz now everybody just listening my kick Jam9 plus MIKU from CLEEMCRAZY you drive me crazy now
それはまるで光の様な世界 the light is here for you イマジネーションと深呼吸 キミに出会い全ては 輝いて行く so shining now yo like this 夢中になって時にハシャいで 悲しい時は瞳閉じて 触れたメロディーはまるで手のひらで掴めそうで掴めない
alright don't stop and keep on it is so simple get on the beatz yo all my people MUSI to the C 虜になる addiction な beats turning up again!! 飛び込んだフレーズ
C.R.A.Z.Y 繋がり合う sympathy don't miss it... C.R.A.Z.Y 絡まり合う synergy don't miss it... somebody's beats somebody's song 誰も置いて行かないよ ride it on somebody's kicks somebody's voice so we are loving all the music you drive me crazy now
誰の目にも映らない 音の波 nobody can check the eyes でもその心で感じる未来図 景色を揺らす風が 運ぶ魔法 music is a magic 色褪せない記憶を辿って流れる曲が蘇って こんな時代と呼ばれる世界だけど それでも信じるメロディー
alright don't stop and keep on it is so simple get on the beatz yo all my people 感じるまま全員 shake it up!! 全身揺さぶる刺激が time to get down 始まってんだ
C.R.A.Z.Y 繋がり合う sympathy don't miss it... C.R.A.Z.Y 絡まり合う synergy don't miss it... somebody's beats somebody's song 誰も置いて行かないよ ride it on somebody's kicks somebody's voice so we are loving all the music you drive me crazy now
don't bring it down まだこっから 静岡 foundation rock the house 恥じらい取っ払って 連れてく限界の向こう側 J9 with the C.L. 言わずとも既にみんな聞いてる 分かってるけどまぁ言っとこう that's premium music シンドローム
C.R.A.Z.Y 繋がり合う sympathy don't miss it... C.R.A.Z.Y 絡まり合う synergy don't miss it... somebody's beats somebody's song 誰も置いて行かないよ ride it on somebody's kicks somebody's voice so we are loving all the music you drive me crazy now