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アクセス回数:12回 リリース日:2018年7月11日
A waning moon
作詞 金廣真悟 
作曲 金廣真悟
for better, for worse
We can muse over past memories.
But it never comeback.
And we wish that and regret.
I dig a hole which meets the size just fit me again.
To bury the memories of you.

These is a desert without plants and water.
There is the darkness which cannot be overlooked.
That's the place where I have come.
It feels that I'm not alive without you.

A waning moon resembles me. I nearly lost in you.
But I don't know how could live you back again.
Will you hum me to sleep by my ears like you did before.
Don't leave me. I can't accept you to go.
Coz you are the all I want and the all I need in the world.

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