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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:108回 リリース日:2018年9月26日
The Happy Song
作詞 Survive Said The Prophet 
作曲 Survive Said The Prophet
Survive Said The Prophet
Passing every second along
Then bought away my time cause it meant for something
College got me jobs from the start as I'm wondering
would or could it be could or should it
because I sure as hell don't know

Sold my time so I can get paid
Spent it on some shots and champagne girls liked it
Happiness was trying to pretend
no one told me or showed me I shouldn't keep pondering

Am I meant to be am I not meant to be
something so much more?

Wasting every second along
Sold away my time cause it's meant for nothing
I'm waking up to snoozing alarms
And I'm late for my job cause I keep holding on to the
thought of why I shouldn't keep on holding on

Am I meant to be am I not meant to be
something so much more?

To live in fate distilled reality
It shapes away the mind to some degree
But no one's supposed to they just want to
Whatever fires up emotion
If we're meant to dream
I'd dream away forever

Am I meant to be am I not meant to be
something so much more?

To live in fate distilled reality
It shapes away the mind to some degree

But no one's supposed to they just want to
Whatever fires up emotion
If we're meant to dream
I'd dream away forever

Am I meant to be am I not meant to be
something so much more?

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