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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:18回 リリース日:2018年10月24日
作詞 清春 
作曲 清春
On July dream
urge, loss, exceptional
come to my party
you, similer someone

cut dread
when breath stop, realize that alive

my loyal codes
will go on, save my destiny

Breathless I'm not solitary
anymore, anymore
Can you make it happen?
as one pleases
screaming for me

Breathless sound fanatic
we not dry, we rewet
never forget this aspect
anymore, anymore

eyes on me
the story can be lost unnoticed

inject me
find your codes
save my own

Breathless I'm not solitary
anymore, anymore
Can you make it happen?
as one pleases
screaming for me

Breathless sound fanatic
we not dry, we rewet
never forget this aspect
can breath here
can breath here

Breathless I'm not solitary
anymore, anymore
Can you make it happen?
as one pleases
screaming for me

anymore, anymore

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