Let's get started Let's get started RUN RUN 100 RUN RUN for the money Let's get started Let's get started RUN RUN 100 RUN RUN for the money
We're on the floor lights camera action この日を待ちわびた 日々を Racks on 大勢 歓声 浴びれは? Okay I'm Here and set tip off just play Fate なんて Flipして Dunk しな Hater 遠くでも何故か気になる Player Top the top 勝ち取るのは だーれ? あいつでもあいつでもない I am
Boom Boom Boom Boom Pow イマ What time is? Good boys gone bad ゲンカイコエナ ルーズボール ケドれば?Game is yours You better run, you better run, you better run now
RUN RUN RUN We're on the floor Like RUN RUN RUN We're on the street Like RUN RUN 100 RUN RUN for the money
I like it through the fire Imma leader this is my turn Game の主人公は Me that's me I'm free 嫉妬しないで? Please この道また?見知らぬ道 賭ける理想 素知らぬ振り 敵に負けない(YES) 負けなんて知らない(YES) 全部自分次第 Live my tough life
Boom Boom Boom Boom Pow イマ What time is? Good boys gone bad ゲンカイコエナ ルーズボール ケドれば Game is yours You better run, you better run, you better run now
RUN RUN RUN We're on the floor Like RUN RUN RUN We're on the street Like RUN RUN 100 RUN RUN for the money
RUN RUN RUN We're on the floor Like RUN RUN RUN We're on the street Like Let's get started Let's get started
RUN RUN RUN We're on the floor Like RUN RUN RUN We're on the street Like RUN RUN 100 RUN RUN for the money