in the age of ignorance we give up are innocence and no one knows what is real copy past intelligence,filter your experience picture perfect is the only way to go holographic lives on sale
show me life,are you really living? are you really breathing? show me a smile and don't you try to fake it don't you try to make it anymore
you don't know,what you've lost going down in a spiral you see numbers nothing real buy in bundle how's it feel? picture perfect is the only way to go photogenic lies on sale
show me life,are you really living? are you really breathing? show me a smile and don't you try to fake it don't you try to make it anymore
live larger than a image could contain live larger than a story could explain life is not a fucking race learn to live at your own pace
show me life,are you really living? are you really breathing? show me a smile and don't you try to fake it don't you try to make it anymore