WHITE GRAVITY(聖川真斗(鈴村健一)/四ノ宮那月(谷山紀章)/来栖翔(下野紘)/愛島セシル(鳥海浩輔)/美風藍(蒼井翔太)/カミュ(前野智昭))
△◆Why am I here? White as I wish ▲■□◇Who is the one? I am the one Who is the one? You are the one △◆Why am I here? White as I wish ▲■□◇Who is the one? I am the one Who is the one? You are the one
▲美しい穢(けが)れぬ □箱庭の人形たち ◇完全が故に ■影を密か抱く
△「IF...」を語る世界線 ◆あの瞬間(とき) 出逢えていない僕なら ◎夢見なかった
(Who is the one?) ▲無限の可能性 (Who is the one?) △感じながら…でも ◎躊躇(ためら)う 心の重力(GRAVITY) ◇本当の幸せを問い (I am the one) ◆惑う日さえも (You are the one) □許しはじめたなら ■それぞれの運命が灯る ◎現在(いま) 願うままに
▲純白の反動 □正しさが闇を生む ◇摂理に抗う ■意味を絶えず探す
△「IF...」を語るからこそ ◆今日という この奇蹟が芽生えた ◎夢が咲いた
(Who is the one?) ▲あらゆる可能性 (Who is the one?) △擲(なげう)つ覚悟で ◎呼び合う 絆の引力(GRAVITY) ◇偶然が必然になり (I am the one) ◆独りきりじゃ (You are the one) □成し得ないすべてを ■輝きと煌めきで紡ぐ ◎また 未来(あす)の旅へ
(I am the one) ▲自分の可能性 (You are the one) △二度と疑わず ◎歌が 導く重力(GRAVITY) ◇そうだから あなたと逢えた (I love the one) ◆愛の その数 (You love the one) □織り成される物語(STORY) ■それぞれの運命が灯る ◎美しい世界で
△◆Why am I here? White as I wish ▲■□◇Who is the one? I am the one Who is the one? You are the one △◆Why am I here? White as I wish ▲■□◇Who is the one? We are the one Who is the one? We love the world