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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:9回 リリース日:2021年6月23日
See you
作詞 Newdums 
作曲 Newdums
What do you see? I watch credits and flashback
Let's do that with me and I'm sure that you'll be good smile
What do you mean?
Good for you.I have a broad mind
That event was,at best,but one of my life

She'll meet a new world and long for that
I can't honestly see it baby

We met and I could have a lot of embarrassing moment
I'm content
Everything has become a good memories now
Why do you cry baby

What do you see? I watch credits and flashback
Let's do that with me and I'm sure that you'll be good smile
What do you mean?
Good for you.I have a broad mind
That event was,at best,but one of my life

She'll meet a new world and long for that
I can't honestly see it baby
We met and I could have a lot of embarrassing moment
I don't know why but unwanted words poured from my mouth
It maybe nonsense and strange sense of pride or defend myself
I haven't found the right answer yet
Everything has become a good memories now
Why do you cry baby

What do you see? I watch credits and flashback
Let's do that with me and I'm sure that you'll be good smile
What do you mean?
Good for you.I have a broad mind
That event was,at best,but one of my life

What do you see? I watch credits and flashback
Let's do that with me and I'm sure that you'll be good smile
I wait for your smile

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Newdumsさん『See you』の歌詞をブログ等にリンクしたい場合、下記のURLをお使いくださいませ。




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