in the smokey mood. my favorite feel the slowly groove I must better thing who jah bless no man curse just mi there my career's over 20years roll up quick fire mi no like a liar life long role because never get retire flyhigh flyhigh under the twilight I'm special come on trust mi brother この道は譲らないしヘタレならば続かない 俺の気持ち揺るがないしstyleは崩さない 真正面からゆくさかい覚悟しといてください monday to sunday マジで不退転 音を繋ぎ綴る実体験 このマイクで稼ぐ歌い手これで伝えてく俺の集大成
I don't know how much time I spend but it won't change all joy and sadness are inevitable I'll do the best life goes on how long time can try only god know I've packed everything until now don't miss it the culmination