I thought I was safe, but I guess I was wrong I realized your mercy, shielded me all along Searching for you in the darkness, kept door open I really cared for you 縺れ蟠り絡まりを解いて 元に戻りたいだけ
Gotta stop this noise now Shut it up now, shut it up Someone please make it stop before I start messing everything up
You're with him I'm with them They with me, but who am I with? 君 俺 僕 私 解釈違う同一人物 気に留めとく 分かりあえないってさ A distorted puppet, the bottomless valley 世間も正義も定義も個もバラバラに砕け散るSurface 残った真実すら君を模した自分の断面 I didn't mean to burden Save me, rescue me
No, do as you wish thereafter Won't you fill my void? If you want to laugh, then laugh! Come on, laugh!