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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:2回 リリース日:2024年5月10日
作詞 Tomohiro Ohga 
作曲 waterweed
My ideal city is 338 miles away
We can buy records and we can also buy clothes there
There is favorite curry shop
Above all, my buddies live there

They were born in this place
I'm standing the same place now
I'm spending hard time to believe now

The sound ring out in this place
Ingrained the history in this place
I'm longing on there no matter how many years passing

They were born in this place
I'm standing the same place now
I'm spending hard time to believe now

The sound ring out in this place
Ingrained the history in this place
I'm longing on there no matter how many years passing

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