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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:3回 リリース日:2014年3月12日
memory and dust
作詞 Eiko Ishibashi 
作曲 Eiko Ishibashi
what are you doing now?
come to me
I can't sleep and relax
without somebody and booze
opening night is tomorrow
I can't get fucked up again
because I'm a big star
everyone knows I'm a big star

my heart is full of fear of fear
the night hides my face getting older
my room is full of memory and dust
am I beautiful?
am I still looking great?

I don't want a normal life any more
I just wanna be loved from all over the world
I don't cook, wash my clothes, clean my house, need my friend
because I'm a big star
everyone loves a big star!

I can show my tears only to the camera
the night can't hide my heart burning
full of stardust before my eyes
where am I?
I don't care because I'm a big star

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