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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:1回 リリース日:2014年3月12日
borderline in shadow
作詞 Eiko Ishibashi 
作曲 Eiko Ishibashi
let's ride the Greenbeast that lives nowhere
it's cold and fast enough to take our souls away

borderline in shadow, the moon is reflected by machines

they'll be mad about that attractive shape
they'll never forget that attractive touch

borderline in shadow, he gets the power from mercy

in you, raising the flag in your right hand, begging a kiss from girls
parade keeps going on and on
while your mother washes your shoes
you find yourself a killer
keep going without fear
they will never wipe your tear

tick tock tick, we've spent times in cold vain
rifles knock down the Beast standing in cold rain

borderline in shadow, his eyes were lighting emptiness

in you, armed with a gun in your left hand, begging a kiss from god
parade is going on and on
I just want you to be near
tears fall into beer
you find yourself a killer
you can't see yourself in the mirror
everything has dissapeared
you find yourself a killer
keep going without fear

shall we go somewhere better than this place
you are the master Greenbeast
drinking wine, we sing aloud for the joy to the world

they'll be mad about that attractive shape
they'll never forget that attractive touch

following pioneers
facing sky's surface
shooting the eyes apeared
I found myself a killer
I can't see myself clear
I just want you to be neer
everything has dissapeared
beautiful handred years
beautiful handred years
beautiful handred years

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