Everything is black and white 俺たちのcolor だけがrainbow 違いに気づかない Don't Know Why? 真似しないほうがeasy
We don't really have to be talking the talk 喜怒哀楽なしにwalking the walk We don't really need to aim for the stars 起承転結なんて既にない
「誰だって努力次第で」 キレイ事だけをposting public 何もわかりゃしないsmall world くだらないんだonly one
We're gonna be the ones to remember We're gonna be the ones to remember 群がってkwsk そんなのggr!! Do it yourself
We're gonna be the ones to remember We're gonna be the ones to remember 群がってkwsk そんなのggr!! Do it yourself
I see you reaching for your camera Quick, quick 大事にしなpremium Click, click So hurry up and take a picture of me Quick, quick Cause I'm gonna make history Click, click
気付かない徒労 You can't control 聞こえる苦悩
見えてるか? shine 俺たちの輝きだ
We don't really have to be talking the talk 驚天動地さ walking the walk We don't really need to aim for the stars 共存共栄なんてもうできない
「勝ち組と負け組」なんて まだそんなことをposting public 何も変わりゃしないsmall world くだらないんだonly one
We're gonna be the ones to remember We're gonna be the ones to remember 群がってkwsk そんなのggr!! Do it yourself
We're gonna be the ones to remember We're gonna be the ones to remember 群がってkwsk そんなのggr!! Do it yourself
I see you reaching for your camera Quick, quick 大事にしなpremium Click, click So hurry up and take a picture of me Quick, quick Cause I'm gonna make history Click, click
We're gonna be the ones to remember We're gonna be the ones to remember 群がってkwsk そんなのggr!! Do it yourself
We're gonna be the ones to remember We're gonna be the ones to remember 群がってkwsk そんなのggr!! Do it yourself
I see you reaching for your camera Quick, quick 大事にしなpremium Click, click So hurry up and take a picture of me Quick, quick Cause I'm gonna make history Click, click