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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:3回 リリース日:2014年8月6日
Strange World
作詞 Genie Clash 
作曲 Curly Giraffe
Curly Giraffe
There's a looming skyscraper
With clear glass windows
Is it made of sugar?

There's a looming skyscraper
With dark brown walls
Is it made of gingerbread?

I bet the view from that place is beautiful

Unfortunately I am terrorized by heights
And I'm not interested in candy houses

The simple world is an ordinary world
The reality that everyone knows is strange

The offensive world is an immature world
Everyone runs toward everlasting love

Seek and you shall find
Why does the clown make people laugh?

Unfortunately I am terrorized by heights
And I'm not interested in candy houses

Unfortunately I am terrorized by heights
And I'm not interested in candy houses

Unfortunately I am terrorized by heights
And I'm not interested in candy houses

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