掴めないのかJust money game 預金高に山を作るだけ ココロは空っぽのまま 欲しいものはGettin' a kick
手に入れたのかChasing for fame 今日は右、明日は左へと シリコンの絵空事は すり抜けるLike a weather fish
Clap your hands! So praise him 'bout it! But it's easy come, easy go, easy shake, a brother said Shake your hands! Forgive him 'bout it! But it's easy come, easy go, easy break, a woman said
But it's easy come, easy go, easy shake But it's easy come, easy go, easy break But it's easy come, easy go,
Even now, he doesn't know a shame
盗みきれないJust your kiss 生殺しの夜を重ねては 膨らます欲望だけじゃ 刻めないOn the sexual beats
Clap your hands! So praise him 'bout it! But it's easy come, easy go, easy shake, a brother said Shake your hands! Forgive him 'bout it! But it's easy come, easy go, easy break, a woman said But it's easy come, easy go, easy shake But it's easy come, easy go, easy break But it's easy come, easy go, Even now, he doesn't know a girl
Clap your hands! So praise him 'bout it! But it's easy come, easy go, easy shake, a brother said Shake your hands! Forgive him 'bout it! But it's easy come, easy go, easy break, a woman said
But it's easy come, easy go, Even now, he doesn't know that
Clap your hands! So praise him 'bout it! But it's easy come, easy go, easy shake, a brother said Shake your hands! Forgive him 'bout it! But it's easy come, easy go, easy break, a woman said
But it's easy come, easy go, easy shake But it's easy come, easy go, easy break But it's easy come, easy go,