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作曲 大瀧詠一
If you see her Won't you tell her
I'll be gone by morning light
The game is over Maybe for better
But how can I take you off my mind
Tell her I care Tell her I'm here
I'll be leaving with the next tide
But until then I want you here
To fill my empty arms

Outbound freighter going to America
Waiting down at the dock of the day
Summer night in Riviera
Quiet seas and the silverly shores
Cool breeze for a curtaind lace
Two empty glasses and just dream on the bottle of wine

No using crying No using crying
So close your eyes and just dream on

On a summer night just like this one
We're so happy in each other's arms
The only sound that I could hear
Was the sea and the beat of your heart
Tell her I care I really care
I'll be leaving out to sea
But until then I want you here
To fill my empty arms

Outbound freighter going to America
Waiting down at the dock of the day
Summer night in Riviera
Quiet seas and the silverly shores
Cool breeze for a curtaind lace
Two empty glasses and just dream on the bottle of wine

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