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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:19回 リリース日:2015年1月7日
作詞 ZIN 
Drenched in greed foolish humans will start the wars that shower their blood
Everything that was built up in history disappears in a flash of light
Mother nature is spit on and dirtied, skies are covered in smog
Stripped of life, the emptiness will keep on spreading out till there's nothing left

Eating into where we were born with countless amounts of sins
The universe will become ours with endless desires

We the masters of destruction multiply without a control
Unknowing or uncaring? Demolish our own world just because we can
Rays of death shoot into our land and poisons all of the lives
Fragile balances thrown off, as the countdown begins to the curtain call

Humans have bitten into all the forbidden fruits of life
It's time to pay for all the wrong that we have all done

You will pay For what you've done
P r a y
You won't be forgiven

神 の 領 域 を 侵 す 者
雁字搦めの制裁 愚 か な 性 は 報 い
激 震 を 喰 ら う が い い

Humans have bitten into all the forbidden fruits of life
It's time to pay for all the wrong that we have all done

You will pay for what you've done
P r a y
You won't be forgiven

神 の 領 域 を 侵 す 者
欲にまみれた治政 破 壊 の 罪 は 滅 び
激 震 を 喰 ら う が い い

愚 か な る 創 造 物 へ

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