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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
作詞 ナノ 
作曲 門脇大輔
A shining morning ray
Another break of day
The winter is near
And the cold is here to stay

Beneath the falling snow
A lost and lonely significance wakes again

A silent shade of grey
No path to lead the way
The weary footsteps
come to stand and fade away

Beyond the night ahead
A single promise of innocence sleeps again

Like a distant fire burning
The world inside will keep on turning
One by one the seasons come
and this soul will keep moving on

Soundlessly a heart is beating
With every step, a deeper feeling
Quietly, another breath
Will light the dark ahead

Nobody knows how long this road is winding
until we reach the end
But if we see that every sign is leading
to a place where we can find our meaning

Standing still as the time keeps on flowing
While we all try to find where we're going
That's why
We can only start from within

Nobody knows why all the tears are falling
to ease the scars we bear
But if we close our eyes we'd hear a calling
To tell us that our hearts are healing

In every fragile moment
In every precious second spent
There's a place for all of us
in this world

A shadow passing by
Below the moonless sky
An echo resounds
through the air like a empty sigh

Before the sun will rise
A chance to dream of the happiness to share again

Like the past our minds are holding
Forgotten memories keep unfolding
One by one, a story is told
and this soul will keep moving on

Desperately a child is needing
A hand to hold and keep on growing
Destiny will take us
to a brighter future yet

Nobody knows how long this road is winding
until we reach the end
But if we see that every sign is leading
to a place where we can find our meaning

Standing still as the time keeps on flowing
While we all try to find where we're going
That's why
We can only start from within

Nobody knows why all the tears are falling
to ease the scars we bear
But if we close our eyes we'd hear a calling
for a moment that our hearts are healing

In every fragile moment
In every precious second spent
There's a place for all of us
in this world

Beautiful innocence
Small and significant

Like a distant fire burning
The world inside will keep on turning
One by one the seasons come
a new day will finally dawn

©2001~ Interrise Inc. All Rights Reserved
うたまっぷ 」では、著作権保護の観点より歌詞の印刷行為を禁止しています。





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