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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
作詞 Kamikaze Boy/Jean-Ken Johnny 
作曲 Kamikaze Boy
Now where are you going so fast
No doubt reality bites
And lots of trouble is on your way in sight

When you're wondering off your way
Anxiety will catch you so easily and tame
Even all the great one's are the same

Clear your situation among those people and the blue
For every worthless estimation is all they care about today not you

Sink down to the bottom
Take a breath to feel it deeper

I'm falling Where you've never been to
Just believe in Exhale the strength to find what you are
Falling Days and ways you've gone through
Now your seeing
How to find yourself You own your life
Cast away the fear and hold on tight
Wow Wow Wow
And get back what you are

Why make all the borders between
Don't say we're not the same
In time we're all together in the end

Let us wonder to seek our way
Let them laugh as you go but don't even care
Cause there's more important things to share

Clear your situation among those people my old friend
For every faith you still believe is all you need to live today again
Sink down to the bottom
Take a breath to feel life deeper

I'm falling Where you've never been to
Just believe in Exhale the strength to find what you are
Falling Days and ways you've gone through
Now your seeing
How to find yourself You own your life
Cast away the fear and hold on tight
Wow Wow Wow
And get back what you are

Walking around without a breath
I dropped a lot of flops regrets
Run through the field of love and hate
On the edge of choking I was there

Now I know how to escape my bind
Smash down all walls around of you to give yourself
the clarified visions of the brave over there

©2001~ Interrise Inc. All Rights Reserved
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MAN WITH A MISSIONさん『Falling』の歌詞をブログ等にリンクしたい場合、下記のURLをお使いくださいませ。




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